Saturday, August 21, 2004

You go, Garrison!

If I didn’t already like Garrison Keillor, this interview would have made me a fan.

With straightforward statements like What a disaster this shallow and deceitful president has been!, he speaks his mind quite clearly.

Keillor also acknowledges that the Republican Party of today is not the one it used to be. This really strikes a chord with me.

When I was growing up, I had friends and loved ones who were committed Republicans, but they weren’t the narrow-minded hate mongers we see in the GOP today. Rather, these were people who believed in individual rights (a term W doesn’t even understand), felt a need for fiscal prudence (unlike this President and his greedy friends) and didn’t see the environment as a dumping ground.

Rather than rehash the whole thing, let me just recommend the interview. Click here and read it for yourself. It’s worth the time!

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