Friday, August 13, 2004

Feeling just a wee bit guilty

We all have our guilty pleasures, I suppose. On the other hand, I guess I shouldn't even categorize this in "pleasures," but I do find these things fascinating.

All my life, I've been amazed by nature's power. Put a hurricane, tornado or earthquake on the television, and I'll watch like a deer in the headlights.

Since I'm sitting home today (recuperating from my annoying little virus), I'm able to watch the latest developments in the Hurricane Charley saga. As a child, I saw no downside to this.

Now, as an adult, I realize that these things bring terror to other people. There's certainly more than enough to fear in this world, so we don't need more. If my life, loved ones and/or property were in the way of this monster, I'd be, to use the scientific term, shittin' kittens.

Even so, I can't help but watch. Like seeing a bad car wreck, I'm glad I'm not in it, but I'm still curious.

Guilt aside, this is amazing stuff. The power of the natural world is so far beyond anything within the power of puny humans. Watching it all play out is just astounding.

By the way, why is it spelled Charley? I've known guys who spell their names that way, but it's unusual. The usual spelling is Charlie. The hurricane boys really need to get out more.

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