Thursday, August 26, 2004

Paramedic butts (or, “What I would want for Xmas, if I were Xian”)

Working in hospitals, I have seen my share of EMTs/AMTs/Paramedics (hereinafter “paramedics” for simplicity’s sake). When I worked in the city, they usually worked for the NYC Fire Department (although some worked for ambulance companies or hospitals). Out here on the Island, there are many ambulance companies, offering a veritable smorgasbord of men.

Whatever the sources, this is a group of men worth watching (by the way, there are certainly women on these ambulances, too, but I just don’t seem to find myself watching them, for some reason). Granted, I’ve seen any number of these men who aren’t worth a second glance. Even so, on any given day, there’s an excellent chance of seeing a boy worth watching/drooling over.

Why, you ask, are there so many yummy ones? Glad you asked, because I have a theory! Being a paramedic is a hard job, and they seem to move on to other things after not-too-many years. So the population of these men tends to be relatively young. That always helps. Then there’s the way they dress.

The paramedics usually wear either cargo pants and blue polo-style shirts or one-piece jumpsuits. In either case, the seats of their pants invariably hug nicely to their butts. In this age of baggy pants (and someday I will find whoever started that trend and kill him/her), these tight pants are refreshing!

No, I guess refreshing isn’t the word. Whatever the word is, the sight of these boys over the years has often made me consider writing a dirty story about them. The rough plot outline would have me getting knocked unconscious and opening my eyes to the smiling face of one of them (who later would ask me on a date and ravage me). ;)

With my luck, if it ever happened in real life, I’d wake up to a guy who looks like Keith Richards. Oh well, I suppose fantasies are fun! :)


PatCH said...

LOL! And after reading the title several time, I finally got what a "Xian" was. I first thought it was some kind of prescription drug!

Bruce said...

So, does this mean you want a Hunk for Hanukkah? Or a Rod for Ramadan? Or, something with a K sound for Kwanzaa?