Monday, January 08, 2007

New Jersey farted

Yes, I'm blaming New Jersey. That's what we do in New York. Actually, when it comes to foul smells, that's a pretty fair bet.

This morning, the alarms went off at the hospital. This was followed by a very strong smell of gas. I don't know if there's a gas detector that got fooled and triggered or if one of the contractors set it off (we're having a lot of construction done right now) and the timing was coincidental.

In any event, FDNY showed up and started searching the place. The gas smell was so overwhelming that some areas of the hospital were evacuated--that's a very rare event in the hospital biz. Our approach to most fire-related emergencies (not that anything had ignited this morning) is called "defend in place." That's because we have many people in our care who can't be moved easily. Also, hospitals are built to contain fires, so we can just close fire doors and keep the rest of the place running while the fire department's muscular young men drag their big, thick hoses... sorry, I lost my train of thought. Firemen sometimes do that to me. *sigh*

Anyhow, the smell in the basement and sub-basement (where our kitchen and laundry are located) was said to be overwhelming. Since there are no patients there and the risk of an explosion seemed real, I told the nearest security guard to order an evacuation of those areas.

Shortly thereafter, one of the firemen said they'd received word over the radio that it was "a city-wide problem." A city-wide smell of gas? That's bizarre. I tried not to dwell on a novel I'd recently read. In that book, terrorists were trying to use Liquid Petroleum Gas to create a fuel-air explosive.

Actually, I quickly dismissed that thought. I just didn't know what could create such an intense smell of gas over such a wide area.

As I type this, almost twelve hours later, speculation as to the source of the smell continues. Frankly, I don't care what the media have to say about this. All true New Yorkers know the most likely source of foul odors. Look west, young man.


Will said...

More, oh so many more, years ago than I care to divulge I was driving my very first car from Boston to D.C. Euphoric to be driving and indiependent, I crossed Manhattan, drove under the Hudson and emerged in Jersey. Moments later I hit what I call refinery row.

I have a light to moderate case of asthma. My chest closed. I began to wheeze, my eyes teared and I caughed and sneezed may way to the shoulder where I applied every emergency product I owned.

Oh yes, I was born and raised in Manhattan. I know you're right. I know EXACTLY where that stench came from. Even if it really didn't, there's no question it came from New Jersey. :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes, but look only *so far* west. Further west, we don't have these smells. I am grateful that down here on the southern tip of Manhattan (the reservoir end) we were below the big to-do and I didn't have to deal with it. ( might have been nice to go home early.)

I think we should be scared, seriously. I think the government is secretly analyzing what's going to happen in a chemical attack here.

MzOuiser said...

There's a joke in here about sweaty Italian guys...