Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Just can't blog--too tense

I know this is an entry, but I just can't do a real one. I've always been interested in government and the electoral process (I even worked in government for about a decade).

More importantly, I always had faith that things would work out. Even if my preferred candidate didn't win the election, I felt that our system would assure that nothing too radical would happen. The intricate balance crafted by our Founding Fathers and refined with occasional, well-planned Constitutional amendments would keep things from swinging out of control or too much into the hands of a small elite group.

I always had that faith... until I watched our current President and the evil cadre with which he has surrounded himself. So I'm as nervous as a whore in church, waiting to see if the efforts of people like me (in my case, that really just amounted to persuading people I know and giving money to the DNC, to Kerry's campaign, to MoveOn.org and some other organizations), combined with sufficient good sense on the part of the American people, will swing things out of the hands of the right-wing zealouts now dishonoring the Bill of Rights, trashing the environment, lining the pockets of their wealthy friends and pissing off our allies.

So I'm on edge. I'm not watching the election coverage. It does me no good to listen to these media nitwits talk for hours about nothing. Actually, I want to lash out at the media. I think they've done a terrible job. Who decided that these pea-brains should be paid piles of money to talk? Most of them aren't terribly bright.

Well, that's as much typing as I can do with my fingers crossed. :)

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