Friday, October 08, 2004

Some smiles

Last night, we were drunk-dialed by these boys. They're normally sweeties, and their inebriation just made the two of them purely adorable. :)

At least they weren't doing naughty things in doorways across from police stations like someone we know. Well, as far as we know, they weren't. ;)

More smiles came this morning when I learned that JibJab has produced a new animated video. You may have seen their prior work, This Land, which lambasted both Bush and Kerry equally.

Their new one, Good to Be in D.C. is another fine production and includes some abuse of New Jersey's recently self-outed, boyfriend-hiring Governor, Jim McGreevey. By the way, isn't it great how he made it sound like he had to resign because he was gay?

No, Jim, it's because you gave away your state's top security job so you could get laid. Granted, it may not be as big a deal in such a dangerous state, where most of the drivers behave like they're suicide bombers on the way to their first/last job, but still, couldn't you just made the guy your driver?

Anyhow, go to JibJab and check out the new video (and the old one, if you haven't seen it yet). Either that or get Patrick and Michael to drunk-dial you. Both approaches are guaranteed to bring smiles!


PatCH said...

Ugh. I guess "just a teensy little drink because I'm sick" got thrown out with the bathwater. I'm paying for it this morning though. Urgh.

PatCH said...

Oh, but we are paying for it today alright. Dearly, too.