Thursday, September 08, 2005

There's a special place in hell...

I don't actually believe in hell, but if I did I'd have to think people like Texas Governor Rick Perry would get a front row seat for doing things like this. He's driving hurricane relief fundraising towards his own foundation. It seemed bad enough to me that he was using a state website to direct people to the Salvation Army, since that's a religious organization.

For him to use this tragedy to push his own group--and therefore make himself look good down the road through all of the good his organization will have done--is repugnant.

Well, Rick, if I'm wrong and there is a hell, at least you'll have racist bigot William Rehnquist to keep you company. He'd have just arrived, and I'm sure he'll be glad to save a fellow Republican a seat.


Will said...

You know what's incredibly ironic? Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist goons staged a protest at Rehnquist's funeral welcoming him to Hell. It's the first time I have ever heard the late Chief Justice considered too liberal. Phelps called him a "faggyass Justice" and condemned him for "turning the USA over to faggots." Surreal.

Jess said...

Well, far be of it from me to try to figure out that evil bastard Fred Phelps. Okay, I'll try. :)

Old Fred's problem apparently was that Rehnquist wasn't enough of a homophobic racist.