Thursday, January 13, 2005

What ARE they doing on those trains?

I've apparently been missing some serious fun on the Long Island Railroad. On the way back from an interview in NYC this morning, I was sitting next to an emergency exit window...

This is a good thing, in case the train gets hit by a wave, flips over and starts flooding. This way, I can follow Shelley Winters right outta there.

Okay, that's fine. What makes me wonder what I've been missing is what it says on the handle for the window...

"PULL HANDLE DOWN" Okay, that makes sense.


REMOVE RUBBER??? Who the fuck is wearing a rubber on the train? And why??

More importantly, when? And can I watch? Or, better yet, help? ;)

You know, I always figured the stains on the seats were from spilled drinks! Now I know better!


Jase said...

It's a gigantic rubber the surrounds the whole train in case there are big waves, you know you won't get infected.

A BOY & HIS TOY said...

I hope you know that there is rubber holding up the window that will come off after you pull that handle. *wink* -Jason

Wayne said...

Right. There are several times, one of those conductors made me wanting to remove their rubber.