Monday, December 20, 2004

This is ridiculous!

I should be thankful that we didn't get a blizzard, since the snowblower is in the shop. Actually, I am glad we didn't get a blizzard, but these temperatures are ridiculous!

When I woke up this morning, I looked at my indoor/outdoor thermometer and learned that, according to the remote sensor out on the back deck, the temperature was 12 degrees Fahrenheit. Nah. It couldn't be. The sensor must be off. I knew it was supposed to be cold, but 12 degrees??

Then I stepped outside. It was cold, that was for sure, but I still had my doubts. When I left for work, I checked the truck's external thermometer reading. 14 degrees Fahrenheit. Hmmm. Okay, maybe indoor/outdoor thingie was right. Still, this is crazy.

Oh, and I have yet another indoor/outdoor thermometer at work (yes, I'm a geek). It said 13.5 degrees F.

So, I ask you, how did this happen? This is Long Island, not Minnesota! What happened to the temperatures being moderated by our proximity to the ocean? (BTW, as I type this, the temperature is 24 degrees F in Minneapolis, as opposed to our current temp of 10 degrees here!)

Apparently, no one shared this near-the-ocean-means-moderation rule with the temperature gods. I can't wait for the temperature to go back up. I'm just glad we replaced this house's heating system last year. At least we won't have to deal with the old oil burner's knack for dying on the coldest nights of the year. As bad as this is, no heat used to make such nights a special joy! I sure won't miss that!

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