Friday, December 24, 2004

Chanumas fame?

Last month, I wished everyone a very happy Chanumas. I'm certainly not the first person to use that "word" and didn't think it all that unusual.

Nevertheless, or lesserthenev, I recently noticed in my statcounter keyword thingie that people using Google and MSN to search for references to Chanumas were hitting my site. In fact, when I first tried it in Google myself, my blog was the first hit. As of now, I'm near the top, only beaten by (and who knew there was a

Does this mean my blog is wildly popular now? Well, not by the number of hits I'm getting. We also know I didn't invent the term, but it's still apparently not in wide enough use.

This makes me wonder if we Jews are in danger again ("Molly, you in danger, girl"). Are the right-wing nutjobs secretly wiping out all signs of Chanukah? Do I need to hide the menorah? (As a gay Jew, I could really be in trouble!)

No, I think it's something less sinister but still somewhat troubling. People are losing their senses of humor! Come on, people. Make fun of life, starting with the holidays we worry about--malign them! :) Have fun with all of it! Don't let me be the only one twisting names and being silly! Living is fatal, so bring some silliness into it and enjoy yourselves!

(By the way, have you seen the Chanukah bush at Rockefeller Center? It's lovely!) ;)


P.S.--Rob, thanks for last night. You were wonderful and left us both feeling satisfied. ;)

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