Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fred Weller

I've seen Fred Weller in a number of things. The best was when we saw him in Take Me Out, showing his naked self alongside lovely Daniel Sunjata and other naked men. Even before seeing him without his clothes (a beautiful sight, by the way), I found him sexy. There's just something about him that gets my heart beating faster.

Tonight, we're watching the movie Stonewall. It was made in 1995, and Fred Weller is one of the stars. OMG, he is so sexy in this!

I couldn't find good photos of him from this, but someone did this set of screen captures (nice shot of him in the top right and of his butt in the bottom left)...

He seems to be doing a pretty good acting job, but it's hard for me to concentrate on that. Every time they show enough of him to see those tight jeans, I'm hopelessly distracted! Man, he is such a hottie!

He's certainly comfortable playing gay (he's done it in other things, too), but I understand the man has a wife. Such a waste! ;)


A DC said...

Waste? Ha! Maybe for you! ;)

What a nice tuchas he has. Growl.

dantallion said...

Huh...never heard of him...cute though.

Jessicupcake said...

He is pretty cute. I love his 'Professional and Sexy' look in In Plain Sight. :) Ha, glad someone agrees!