Wednesday, November 02, 2005

He's still too conservative, but...

I have to take what says with a grain of salt (as a certain famous author would want me to), but there's an interesting article there about a piece of Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito's history.

From the article: . . . a report prepared by a Princeton University undergraduate task force, chaired by Alito while he was a student, recommended the decriminalization of sodomy, said that discrimination against gays in hiring "should be forbidden," and accused the CIA and the FBI of invading the privacy of citizens.

"We sense a great threat to privacy in modern America," Alito wrote in a foreword to the report, in 1971. "We all believe that privacy is too often sacrificed to other values; we all believe that the threat to privacy is steadily and rapidly mounting; we all believe that action must be taken on many fronts now to preserve privacy."

In 1971? Well, he may have grown more conservative over the years. Besides, there are other vital issues, other than gay rights, so I'm not going to be a supporter just yet. Still, this is a hopeful sign.

Could he be a traditional conservative? The kind who isn't the repulsive bigot who comes to mind when one says "conservative" these days, really meaning one of those hideous "neo-conservatives"? I'm not convinced, but I can hope!


teh l4m3 said...

I like your optimism, but with these guys, it's hard not to expect the worst. Alito's apparent position on a woman's right to choose becomes even more alarming in a sense; this may mean that he is inconsistent in his stance on privacy.

BTW, you are the coolest. Check your e-mail!

Anonymous said...

Ok...I'll give it to him that he's not a Nazi conservative that eats babies for breakfast. This ruling in 71 about gays shows that he does or DID think outside of the box at one time.
soooooooooooo excited

dantallion said...

I've given up hoping about stuff like this. Sorta-good-to-be-true seems to have become the reigning rule ever since the current prez took office.