Monday, April 11, 2005

Plenty to blog about, but too little time

I'll try to write a longer blog entry tomorrow (well, "today" really, since it's after midnight), but I have to get some sleep. I have an appointment to keep in the morning.

One quick note--our weekend included attending a rugby match. Our beloved Gotham Knights didn't win, but they played hard and did well. Considering the number of new players, it was a very good effort.

As I said, I intend to post more soon (about rugby, FARB's big event, seeing Jase and other fun things), but for now I wanted to share one reason why rugby is such fun to watch...

This was one of the guys on the opposing team. Plenty of the guys on our team have lovely legs, butts and more to offer, but this gentleman happened to provide me with this shot at yesterday's match. So I thank him for that. Such a lovely view!

Now, the next post will include shots with more sports-related substance, but I hope this provided some happiness for those reading this post. More soon!


Anonymous said...

True, that is a fantastic view. Lol!

Greg said...

I love being a spectator....

Jase said...

I bet he's a hooker..

Haha! I know some rugby terms!

myke said...

if you're gonna make a short post, why not do so about rugby? it's a nice subject and provides nice .. uh ... scenery