Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Ancient writings

As part of the ongoing effort to clean out the old house, I've been spending a lot of time there, cleaning things up, throwing things out and otherwise making the place look good, so we can sell it. In the course of doing this, I've been shredding old credit card receipts, statements and such.

Some of these things are from the days when Marc and I were dating but not yet living together. Others are from when we were living together in a rented apartment.

In other words, items from these two periods reflect a time when we didn't have a house or dogs to worry about. Granted, personal tragedies put a crimp in our style recently, but the real change is quite clear from the records. When we started taking on more responsibilities, our lives changed.

Before the days of home and dog ownership, we traveled more. We went to Newport, we went to Philly (oh, what we did on that trip!), we went to little B&Bs to just unwind. We went lots of places!

As I went through and shredded these receipts (probably about time I did that, all these years later), I was lamenting the lack of such exciting travel and fun diversions in recent times.

Then I got home. I was greeted by my pups, and I quickly forgot those other feelings. Life changes, and the best thing is to latch onto the good stuff. Don't get me wrong--once I'm working again and things settle down around here, I want to pick up the pace of travel again. We'll get a friend to watch the pups (Jeff, among others, has helped us out with that before), and off we'll go. But as I sit here typing this and look around me, I'm remembering to be thankful for what I have.

1 comment:

Bruce said...

Interesting, Jess.
You know, I was lamenting how much I used to travel and "do things" when I was single. But things are starting to level out now. And I'm much better off now than when I was single!