Sunday, February 09, 2020

Empire of LiesEmpire of Lies by Raymond Khoury
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting book. Driven by a secret incantation, one man has managed to go back in time and change history. This has led to a world with firmly entrenched religious empires, including the modern version of the Ottoman Empire that rules Europe, now led by an autocratic religious ruler.

Some good people get caught up in bad events, and good people are hurt. But can these bad things be changed with the same incantation? If they are, then what? What becomes of the world? And what comes next?

This was a thought-provoking, interesting book. I liked it.

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Breakfast at Tiffany'sBreakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was pretty disappointed in this book. Somehow, I never read Breakfast at Tiffany's. Since it's such a famous book, with the iconic movie based on it, I felt I should remedy this.

In short, I wish I liked this book more. I suspect it was considered very racy and revolutionary for its time. Since that was over 60 years ago, things have changed. Now that nothing in it is racy at all, based on today's standards, we're just left with the characters themselves, most importantly Holly Golightly. Ms. Golightly, whose wild life may have raised eyebrows back in the late '50s, is now just a selfish, annoying young lady. She really has few redeeming qualities.

At least the book is short. So it's a very quick read.

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We Are Legion (We Are Bob) (Bobiverse, #1)We Are Legion (We Are Bob) by Dennis E. Taylor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really loved this book. So much science fiction is either poorly thought out or very dark. Yes, there's a dark, dystopian future for humanity, followed by major calamity. Even so, there is hope and more importantly, since it's fiction, there's a lot to make the reader think and imagine what might be on other worlds.

I wasn't sure if this book was for me when I first read about it, but now I'm ready for the next in the series. Well done, Mr. Taylor!

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