Friday, February 04, 2005

No, being nominated is not good enough!

Yes, yes, it's supposed to be an honor just to be nominated. No, I'm not up for an award. Actually, I'm in the running for a new job. I had my first interview a few weeks ago for a job that I think I'd enjoy. It isn't much more money than I make now, but I've never really angled for big dollars. Instead, I've tried to find things to do that I would find interesting and honorable (in the sense of doing some good with my career).

This started with a call from a headhunter (the job placement type, not a cannibal--well, not as far as I know) in December. After the first interview was set up, I got a call from another headhunter who, apparently, was trying to fill the same spot.

I was told at the first interview (which was with the outgoing CEO and the acting CEO) that they would call back some candidates for a second interview and that the second interview would be a day-long multi-part process. The good news is, I was called back. Yesterday was round two. It was comprised of four meetings, two with groups of people and two with individuals. I think it went well, but it was a draining process.

I don't know if they'll offer me the position. I've been told that there are two other finalists. Even so, there's one thing about which I should be happy. I already knew they had used at least two headhunters. What I only just found out is that they also put an ad in the New York Times. Not just a regular classified ad--they bought themselves a "window" ad.

Being in HR, I know what an ad in the Times can bring: a flood of resumes. So there is something to be said for making it to the finals in this little competition. Even so, only winning really matters. So it's nice that they liked me enough to move me to this second round of interviews, but I'll really only be happy if I'm offered the job.


Tuna Girl said...

Congrats! I'm so glad the second interview went well. Whether you get the offer or not, you'll know that you did your best.

Greg said...

Congratulations on the second interview! Keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well!!

Jase said...

That's awesome! Good luck!