Saturday, July 17, 2004

If I knew then what I know now...

Today, we spent more time clearing out my grandmother's and mother's homes. At my Mom's, we found some old photos. While going through them, I found a picture of myself (on a county parks pass, of all things) and was floored by how cute I was. I'll put it this way: I would have done me!

Yes, yes, I know how unbelievably narcissistic that sounds. The sad thing is, I'm just aging and obese now... but I was wowed by that picture. I really didn't think I was at all good looking back then.

Now I know why one of the cute girls asked me to the prom--being an idiot, I declined. Not that girls were ever really my thing, but it could have been fun. Setting that aside, if I had realized that others might find me attractive, I could have had more fun with the boys! I did have fun with one boy (with a great body and lots of stamina), over quite a nice span of time during those years, and I guess I should be glad for that. Actually, I was very happy for that!

Still, I had no idea! When I showed Marc the picture, he said, "Yes, TTB, you were very cute!" He then added, "you still are," but that's either 1) love talking, or 2) him trying to keep me happy. :)

I then said, "if I had a clue how to hook up back then, I could have been getting laid all the time!" With that, he rolled his eyes and went back to what he was doing.

Since it was the early-to-mid 80s, it's probably best that I wasn't more promiscuous, given the new and not-well-understood threat arriving on the scene when I was in high school.

I guess things may happen for a reason, after all. Even so, the picture was really quite an eye-opener for me!


PatCH said...

"A great body and lots of stamina..."

What a great line. Don't suppose you found any photographs showing, uhm, proof of that, now did you?


Jess said...

Oh, if only I did, Patrick! But that's really not necessary, as I have some very vivid memories of that and probably will until my dying day! ;)