But first, shots from outside a pharmacy where we stopped.

I know, I know. Why is he boring me with these shots? Because I can! :) No, seriously, I found it interesting the way they do these pharmacy signs over there. Probably comes from being a pharmacist's kid and having grown up working in a pharmacy.
Not all of the pharmacies had both types of signage, but some, like this one, did. As you can see from the first two photos, they had modern-looking signage, including the lit up green cross that appeared to be universal for pharmacies. But, as you can see in the next two shots, they had older-style signage, too, including, I gather, the name of the head pharmacist.
Still awake?
Okay, as a reward for sticking with me, here are some Cliffs of Moher shots.

I loved the way the sun was breaking through these clouds over the water.

Cliff cows. There was some fencing, as you can see, but there wasn't enough to keep all of the cows from straying too far. Either they know to stay away from the edge, or people occasionally hear, "Fucking mooooooooo... *splash*"

O'Brien's Tower, at the top of the cliffs

I wish the weather had been better. At least a little less haze would have helped. *sigh* Anyhow, there you have them.
Next up: travels along the Irish coast... but, of course, not the same coast with the Cliffs of Moher. I mean, that would just be redundant! :)
The shot of the Moher cliff (#5 from the bottom) is amazing. The picture is so crisp. The water below the cliff actually looks like it has movement. Great shot!
I didn't find the pharmacy pictures boring at all. The connection is knowing that your father was a pharmacist. How long did you work for him?
You seem to have developed a love affair with cows on this trip. :)
Wow some great shots! Hope you're enjoying yourself! xoox
I liked the pharmacy shots!
I want to go to Ireland now!!!!
"Fucking mooooooooo... *splash*"
That just kills me. : )
Matt: Thanks. I worked Saturdays in the store beginning when I was 8 years old. I did that for several years and then worked in other places (paper routes, stationery store, ice cream store, etc.). I always liked working and making money! :) Plus, my younger brother got old enough to cover Saturdays in the store. Actually, aside from getting to spend time with my Dad, I have other fond memories of those days. One fun thing we always did was watch Concorde go over. Every Saturday morning around 8:30am, we would hear it coming and would step outside to watch it fly over on its approach to JFK. As for the cows on this trip, it did become a theme, but that's largely my silliness!
Jason: Actually, this is a recap of a trip we finished a few weeks ago, but thanks! We did have fun.
dc: I'm glad you did! :)
Greg: If you insist, but it's very expensive! If you're going to spend that kind of money, go a little farther and land in France!
Greg: I'm glad you appreciate that! It means you have a fair chance of appreciating my twisted sense of humor when we finally get to meet you!
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