Okay, so now let's look at some more Ireland photos.

Our stop: Aughnanure Castle

As we pulled up, this pup watched us from her neighboring house and then started heading our way.

Once we parked, she came over to say hello. She was very nice!

In the field next to the lot, there were horses grazing...

...and relaxing.
Not to worry! There are cows in another field near the castle. You'll see one in the next post. :)

Our new friend jumped with ease up onto the wall. BTW, I just love this photo. If you visit us, you may someday find a print on our wall.
Now this was funny. Apparently, at least one of the horses was territorial and not too friendly! For all I know, this is an ongoing rivalry.

The horse comes over. To really see what's going on, we need to zoom in.

Look at how they're looking at each other! If needed, click on the photo to see a larger version and get a look at their eyes!

Having given up on the wall, she found a nice spot in the parking lot. Here, you can see her looking nonchalant about the whole thing.

There were sights to enjoy before we reached the castle itself, like this flower.

I thought this was a pretty view.

Here's a panoramic view from inside the castle grounds.
Marc gets all of the credit for that last photo. He had me shoot a set of photos with the idea of stitching them together in mind. If he hadn't pushed me to do it, we wouldn't have that photo.
Next: a castle cow and some snapshots from around the castle.
I love love love the dog on the wall shot and can see it framed.
Fantastic pics, Jess!
I love the close up picture of the horse and dog -- it looks like they're having a "stare off" contest.
i love watching swimming too...for the exact....oh forget it, i watch it because the boys are sooo hot! olympic diving is good too. yum-O!
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