Sunday, October 03, 2004

The voices in his head

I hadn't intended to post twice today. Frankly, I had such fun at the rugby match yesterday--and spent so much time watermarking and uploading photos--that I was going to leave that as my one post of the day (and, before we go any further, please take a look at that post if you haven't yet--follow the link to the other pictures! My ego needs stroking!). :)

So why am I posting again? Because some things are too much to resist. Apparently, word is getting around that the President was using an earpiece at the debate, so advisers could feed him answers!

A number of the articles suggested that I "listen to it for yourself" which I did here. The articles point out that W is mid-answer, no one is waving at him to stop or trying to ask him another question, but he interrupts himself to say, "let me finish."

Amazing. A sitting United States President who can't handle himself in a debate. As low an opinion as I have of W, this just pushed it even lower. Sad. Sadder still is that so many millions of Americans support this buffoon.

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