Thursday, October 21, 2004

To blog or not to blog, that is the question

Yesterday, I considered posting an entry regarding the battle between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox. After due consideration, I decided that it might be unwise, as I’m a New Yorker; in theory at least, I should be supporting the Yankees. Also, I have a number of friends who, while otherwise lovely people, are Yankees fans.

So I decided that it would be unwise to post something saying how I would love to see the Red Sox knock the Yankees out of contention. Not that I would watch the game—I consider baseball, particularly on television, to be about as exciting as watching the liquid base evaporate from paint (if you know what I mean)—but I really wanted to see the Yankees eat humble pie.

It has nothing to do with my not being a baseball fan; if that were the motivating factor, I wouldn’t care who won. No, it has everything to do with the arrogance of the Yankees’ fans. No, not the team. Not the players. The fans! They make me crazy.

First of all, get over yourselves. It’s a fucking game. Next, and this is the more important point, sitting on your ass, drinking too many beers and yelling does not win games. Let me be clear: The players won all of those games, all of those World Series, not you! So shut the fuck up about it. You’re happy? That’s nice. Now go do something productive.

I really have had it with stupid, drunken fans on the subway, expressing their team’s greatness (did we suddenly find a fortune in the couch cushions and buy the team from Steinbrenner?). Fine, you love the Yankees. Yes, they’re very good—amazing how spending huge sums of money gets you great players; it must be some kind of miracle—but I really, really don’t want to hear about it.

I guess what really pisses me off the most is the way they rub failure in the faces of others, specifically the Red Sox fans. Yes, the Red Sox haven’t won a World Series since 1918. I think it says more for the Red Sox fans that they stuck by their team, despite difficulties, than it does for the Yankees fans who are just obnoxious about it.

You think the Yankees are great? Wow, you’re really going out on a limb there, big guy. What a brave stand! How about pulling for the Cleveland Indians? That’s a fan…someone who loves their team no matter what. While we’re at it, is a little civility too much to ask?

Anyhow, I decided not to say anything so that no one would be upset. All in all, it’s probably for the best, considering the number of obnoxious prick Yankees fans around here. After all, discretion is the better part of something or other. :)


Michael Vernon said...

You said more than I could articulate. You go, boy!

dantallion said...

LOL...I'm glad SOMEBODY had the courage to say it. Well done.

Jalal said...

It is VERY VERY VERY hard to criticise your friends favourite teams.

Brechi said...

good points! :)

PS...MMM massage oil :)

Will said...

I was going to try some humorous comment but I don't have it in me in the wake of the police shooting death of a perfectly innocent, by-standing college student. I in no way approve of the violence of stupid, drunken fans but the police blew this one big time, and that's ruined any sense of victory for me. Your rant is RIGHT ON.

Jess said...

You're right, Will--that truly was a tragedy. I hope you can still find some fun in the upcoming games, but it's truly sad that a young life was snuffed out so needlessly.

Jess said...

Brechi--the massage oil is ready! :)