Time for an earth science lesson. Storms are afraid of Dodger. I bet you didn't know that.
Today, we have thunderstorms in the area, but most of them are breaking up before they get to us. We watch them form and reach a nice, nasty red color on the weather radar, only to break up before they get to us. The explanation? They're frightened of getting too close to Dodger.
The handful of storms that have dared to go over our house in the past have received a fierce barking, and, without fail, they have fled. Not a single storm from the past remains. All were scared away!
That's how these things work!
Awww, how could storms be afraid of someone with such a cute kissy-face? :)
ATG: Because he's fierce! Fierce, I tell you! Okay, fine. He's a sweetie, but he does get the barking going in response to storms. We just tell him that he scared them away. :)
Glad to know Dodger is on duty here in NYC for the current Hurricane Season....
Maybe you should market him to the National Weather Service....
He must be chasing them all up here!
Here puppy puppy puppy! We need him up here Jess, we have had storms almost every day since June, every freaking day almost! We are going to have no summer... whaaaaaaaa! :(
Lee: Careful! I'm pretty sure he reads the blog while we're out, and that could go right to his head! ;)
Todd: Well, the problem is that he likes to wait until the storm is actually here before he scares it away. Something about it being more sporting. But I'll talk to him about the hurricane thing. :)
Greg: Good idea! Let him start to make some money!
Tornwordo: Not his intention, I'm sure. Just to be safe, I'll ask him to try to chase them to the east, instead of north!
Sooo: Perhaps I can loan him to you for a bit, if he'll agree to go. Think we can get him his own seat on Air Canada? Because I know Dodger, and he sure won't let anyone put him in a cage! :)
Damn, he's beautiful!
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