Now, really? The kitten is cute, but the husband... oh, come on! :)
On a sadder note, this weekend saw the loss of Bernie Mac at the young age of 50, and now comes this:
Soul legend Isaac Hayes dies
I know he will be remembered more for his music, and that's as it should be, but I can't help thinking, "Rest in Peace, Chef."
BTW, one Isaac Hayes-related thought. One day when I was a teenager, I was watching a TV show with my parents. I think it was Kate & Allie. The plot of that episode revolved around something to do with a woman who wasn't a good parent. One of them (Kate or Allie?) says to the other, "she's a bad mother." The other replies, "You mean like Shaft was a bad mother?"
I burst out laughing, and my parents both looked at me with looks that showed they had no idea what I was laughing at. They weren't prudes, but how could I, as a teen, possibly explain that one to them?!
If you don't get the "bad mother" reference (as I know Shaft is before the time of some of you--well, actually, it's really before my time, too), go here. Forget the somewhat odd Youtube video and just listen to the words of the song!
I remember "Kate and Allie"; what a great combination Jane Curtain and Susan St. James were.
Same about Isaac and Bernie...
Fun ad...husband looks cute enough, but is he litter-trained?
Hecky-puddles, Jess! Make me feel old! I remember when the movie came out and listened to the theme on the radio!!
Oh! And I wonder if the hubby licks himself clean? ;-)
Greg: No idea, but I'd be willing to teach him all kinds of things! ;)
Lee: Sorry about that! I was 5 when the movie came out. I'm not far behind you age-wise. And if he can, that just makes him more attractive! I do love flexible men! :)
I just watched an episode of The Bernie Mac Show a few nights ago and Isaac Hayes was on it. Talk about eerie.
Great ad...woman who wrote it has a good sense of humor.
How sad I just heard last night about Bernie Mac, it was just a blip in passing on the radio and I thought I must have heard wrong.
I don't really want a cat so.....
Matt: that is eerie! And yes, whoever did the ad has quite a sense of humor.
STIM: That's what I thought at first, too. As for the ad, good choice! :)
Yeah, it's crazy they both died so close together. They just finished a movie together and everything.
And I'll take the free husband. I have a soft spot for unwanted pets. Tee hee.
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