Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Do your job, and I won't cause trouble

As I mentioned before, one benefit of my commute is that I can get my shoes shined for three dollars (plus tip) at Penn Station.

Today, on the way home, I got to Penn around 5:20pm. I planned to catch the 5:40 express train, so I walked to my regular shoe shine shop (shoe shine shop--say that ten times fast!) and sat down for a procedure that should take less than ten minutes, leaving me enough time to get to my train.

As I sat there, the woman who was to do the work was talking to another of the women who worked there. I waited a minute, then two. She never even looked up at me. I'd tell you what they were saying, but it wasn't in English (and I'm a good American, so I'm only fluent in one language). I'm the son of a League of Women Voters President, and, as a kid, I went to pro-ERA rallies with her, but I can't help myself--I'm of the opinion that no man ever put gabbing as high on his list of things to do as the average woman. :)

I was going to say something about my being on a schedule, but before I got the words out of my mouth, the boss saw the look on my face and gave them what, based on their reaction, was a brief ass-chewing. Again, not in English, so I don't know what he said.

I nodded thanks to him and the second woman looked at me in annoyance before walking away. Well, you know what? Tough shit, honey. You're working in a train station, providing a service to commuters. Any nitwit would keep in mind that virtually every customer is on a schedule. So stop running your mouth and get to work!!!

In our next episode: why I avoid sitting near groups of women during my morning train ride. (Right now, my Mom is looking down and shaking her head. My Dad, on the other hand, is laughing.)


Greg said...

Did you make the train on time, though?

greekgaylolita said...

Iam waiting for the continuation..

Jess said...

Greg: Yes, I made it but not by much. I didn't get a seat.

GGL: I'll have to be in the mood to do that one. Be patient! :)