This evening, the plan was to go back to the new house and use the super-duper Trivection double-oven to make dinner. While Marc got a chicken ready for roasting, I went to the store with instructions to get some chicken broth. While there, I noticed some important items on sale. So I called Marc to make sure he and Jeff (who deserves a medal for all the help he has rendered to us during our pre-move period) wanted these items... Oreos and ice cream! Of course, they were all for it. :)
So here is dinner in pictures. Marc prepared the chicken...

...and Jeff cut up vegetables to add to the oven bag, so they would cook nicely with the chicken...

Marc also made stuffing...

...that he added to the chicken...

In the meantime, our hero (that would be me *g*) stayed out of the way. I started a fire...

...and sat myself on the love seat with a book...

At one point, I took a break to make sure dining room was ready (well, as ready as can be, since we still have some stray items on the table and the plantation shutters have yet to be installed on the windows)...

But the chandelier looks nice, doesn't it?

Check it out up close (and notice how the light refracts through it, although you can't see it well here--it really looks nice in person)...

Okay, back to the food. Here's the chicken right after it came out of the oven...

That Trivection oven is amazing. What would normally take about two hours took this oven around 45 minutes. Here we see Marc carving the chicken...

And some sliced pieces...

The chicken was very juicy and delicious, and the vegetables and stuffing were phenomenal! After dinner, out came the ice cream...

...and the Oreos got added... Marc did the Coldstone Creamery thing, mixing and cutting in the Oreos...

The end result was extremely fattening (just what I need), but it was delicious...

Oh well, I can go back to dieting tomorrow. :)
One last note (and I will post more on this soon) for anyone who will be participating in the gay bloggers event in the NYC area from May 6-8: on Saturday, May 7, Marc and I will be having a barbecue/party at our new home. It will start around 2pm and will go until everyone has had enough (or, for those who have plans for that evening, until folks have to return to Manhattan). We're on Long Island but not far from the city. It's a bit over half an hour by train, and we'll be able to pick people up at the station. So if you'll be in town, please keep this in mind. Mark (of Zeitzeuge) will be posting info on his site, but I wanted to give anyone reading this blog a "heads up!"
Hope to see you all there!
The chandelier looks nice? That's a major understatement. It looks FABULOUS! And so does the rest of the house, very nice!
Okay ... YUM!
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