Saturday, November 05, 2005

I should have tried this sooner

I'm watching Starship Troopers on one of the Spanish language stations. I don't speak a word of Spanish, so I have no idea what anyone's saying. The interesting thing is that I'm enjoying this movie a lot more than I did when I originally saw it.

I guess the stupid dialogue and bad acting must have taken away from my enjoyment of it originally. Now, all I can do is look at pretty boys and watch video game-like shooting of giant bugs. I may have to try this with some other mediocre films. :)

In other news, our Internet access is back (again). After our last outage, I had hoped we were done with this nonsense. No such luck.

Today, as Marc is at work (he occasionally has these weekend work days), I sat home and waited for Cablevision to make an appearance. Two trucks arrived late this afternoon, and two not-much-to-look-at men appeared. They came in, and I let the dogs follow them around. Marc usually locks up the dogs when any people are coming in to do work, but I prefer to let the dogs greet them at the door (so the dogs won't do anything rash) and then let the dogs follow them around. I like for strangers to know that the dogs are here. Just in case they have any bad ideas--for now or later--the presence of the dogs should banish those thoughts. (Yes, I have trust issues. What can I say? You should see our fancy schmancy alarm system, too.)

Oh, about the Internet access--this time, they decided to replace the cable modem (last time, they replaced a splitter or two). I hope that does the trick. Well, time to go back to watching this fine film. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I shouldn't wear my bacon underwear when I come to your house Friday? I might enjoy the noses and attention. No I'm not talking about you, the dogs silly boy :)