Monday, November 14, 2005


I saw a few interesting articles this evening and thought about sharing them here. There was the one about the former 9/11 Commission head saying the terrorists were doing a lot more to get nuclear weapons than the government's doing to stop them.

Well, that's depressing. So how about the one where National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley backpedaled from W's "We Do Not Torture" statement, saying that the use of "enhanced interrogation techniques" may be necessary? Typical. Call it enhanced interrogation techniques, and it's not torture.

Again, too damn depressing. So how about this? A study has been done, and we now know that squirrels have a complex language. Yeah, that works. Cute little squirrels.

I hope I don't have to learn it. I still haven't mastered French (or English, for that matter!). So I sure hope I won't be expected to learn Squirrelese. Even if I do, at least I know the squirrels won't try to nuke or torture us. So I can deal with this! :)

If you want to read more and prepare for your language studies, the article is here.


teh l4m3 said...

Clearly, the squirrels should have a seat at the U.N.


Andy said...

I read an article recently about the discovery that male mice sing to seduce females; their voices are at a pitch beyond human hearing, so we'd never noticed before. Now it's been recorded and slowed down. Apparently female mice respond best to Billy Joel and Steely Dan.

epicurist said...

If you walk through the park to my condo and chuck, squeak or chirp, about 6-7 squirrels come running at you and will in fact run up your leg. I've had the pleasure of watching several Sex in The City Types playing cutesy with the squirrels, only to run and scream in terror across the park in their Manalo Blahniks.

Writer said...

Squirrels? NUTS! I went out with a TWIN once and THEY had their own language. They both spoke fluent Asshole, and I'm more than sure they traded places with me once ...(well, that wasn't the bad part)

Todd HellsKitchen said...

If Alvin and the Chipmunks can sing, then...


Mr. H.K.
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