Monday, November 14, 2005

This is ridiculous

Hospitals don't waste prime space on HR. Instead, we usually go wherever there's space.

That usually means an older part of the facility. That's the case here. I can deal with the older digs, but the HVAC issues are horrible.

In the summer, it's sweltering, although I have a window air conditioner that valiantly tries to keep up. At this time of year, we have to deal with heat that's either completely on or off.

Today, it's on. When I walked in this morning, the temperature on my digital thermometer was 94.5 degrees!! Again, the a/c is helping as it and the radiator fight it out. I also have the window wide open. I just hope a pigeon doesn't fly in!

BTW, I'm trying to post this from my new phone. Hope it works!


Photography said...

nice article. thanks

epicurist said...

I thought you HR types had all the clout? ;-p

Oh, and yes it worked!