Thursday, July 28, 2005

Too good to pass up

I thought Victor Borge (btw, as far as I know (and if you care), his last name was properly pronounced Bor-Guh... or close to that) was terrific. He was both a talented pianist and a very funny man. While looking at The Quotations Page, I saw this from the late Mr. Borge: "The difference between a violin and a viola is that a viola burns longer." This immediately brought back some fond memories.

In a performance of his, years ago, he delivered another line that had me rolling. Speaking of his childhood, he said, "One day, my father came home to find me in our living room in front of a roaring fire. This made him very angry... because we didn't have a fireplace."

His delivery was wonderful. Actually, I just checked Netflix, and I see that there are several Victor Borge DVDs. Since such things are at the mercy of editors who may or may not be good at editing such work, I don't know if these collections are any good. Still, if you haven't seen his work, it's worth checking out. He truly was wonderful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Victor Borge? LOL

Holy cow, now you are dating yourself.

Have a great day.
