Saturday, September 25, 2004

That glow is what?

We were up very early today. When I went outside, I saw this unusual orange glow off to the east, near the horizon. It was pretty, but it still raised some questions. So I asked Marc about it. He said it was the sun "rising". Hmmm. I just thought the sun came on sometime before I got up every day. I guess not.

No, I'm not a morning person. :)

So, did I do anything special for Yom Kippur? Yes, I took pictures of some of God's creatures as they played in my yard...

The girls play rough (ruff?), but they never hurt each other. This is one of the nice things about living in the suburbs--room for the kids to run in the yard. In this picture, they're actually running pretty fast, as Bernice messes with Mandy.

This is Bernice, as she surveys her yard. I don't think she's had her own picture on the blog yet, so here she is! Bernice is our eldest or, as we often call her, the "Senior Dog". Even so, the others rarely respect her rank and seniority. :)


PatCH said...

Cute pics! ;-)

Bruce said...

You know, the time of sunrise is changing daily ... in a week or two, we have to fall back, also - ahh, another hour of sleep!