Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sorry for another angry post, but...

In this morning's Times, there's this article: It's Theirs and They're Not Apologizing. The article addresses the "we earned it" attitude of Wall Street traders and executives who think there's anything they do worth the ridiculous bonuses they've gotten, even after the complete disaster that was 2008.

One said, "My bonus is 'shameful' — but I worked hard to get it." What, exactly, did you do to earn it? Cure cancer? Invent something to make life easier for everyone?

These bastards are claiming that questioning their thievery is akin to socialism. Well, that's just bullshit. Makes me wonder if Rove is working on Wall Street now. It sounds like his kind of crap--use scary words to demonize the people asking legitimate questions.

My favorite quote comes from a Mr. Meyers who works for "an Italian securities firm." He said, "Say I’m a banker and I created $30 million. I should get a part of that." Created $30 million? That's exactly the problem. You guys don't create anything. You move money and trade on the hard work of others. The guy digging a ditch in the street to fix the street is working harder than any of you guys! Hard work doesn't have to be physical labor. I'm all for intelligent people being rewarded for getting education and using their brains. That's where real progress is found, but there's nothing noble about what these guys do.

I don't know how to reign in this legal larceny, but I sure hope karma bites them all on their selfish asses!


Sooo-this-is-me said...

I'm with you on this one Jess! I can't believe that some of these guys were upset that they would not be able to get bonuses from the government hand outs. I worked for a tech company and in hard times they told us that the workers could not get any perks. However even though they made bad decisions, bad buys and put the company in huge debt, they some how still managed to give themselves large bonuses. I just don't get it, how can a person who makes a company worth nothing, get a bonus. Same with trades, how do you get a bonus from causing people to lose their life savings.

MzOuiser said...


CoffeeDog said...

I am the choir and you are the preacher!