Saturday, September 10, 2005

Tom DeLay is an asshole

I already knew that DeLay was an asshole, a bigot and an all-around evil man, but you'd think a politician would be smart enough to not say things this amazingly stupid--speaking to some kids evacuated due to the disaster on the Gulf Coast, he said, "Now tell me the truth boys, is this kind of fun?"

Yeah, I know, because they were sleeping on cots like they were at camp. Pleez! What an asshole!

1 comment:

CoffeeDog said...

I know that 99% of the time Delay is a maroon. I saw this quote from Delay in the NY Times and was amazed!

"I know the American people, some of them are worrying about all this money," Mr. DeLay said. "Ladies and gentlemen, five million people, five million Americans, deserve us finding a way to make them whole."

Here's the article

Don't get me wrond and think I am defending him, I still this he is a boob!