Saturday, September 05, 2009

My favorite photo of the day

There was rugby today. The full set of photos is here, but I'm not going to post any here just now. Instead, I'm going to share my favorite photo of the day--one from the sidelines:

My boys got the attention of some kids

We took Dodger to today's match. We thought he might like the field trip (for the most part, he didn't--he's generally happy at home), and we thought it would be nice to trot out The Brown Hound, as we start handing out business cards for his new photography business.

During the match, I looked across the field and saw the scene above. What could be sweeter than that?


A DC said...

Aww, that is sweet. :)

Pua; Bakin' and Tendin' Bar said...

Absolutely NOTHING is sweeter than that! Love it. Sweet Dodgie. And Bokey's kinda cute too. ;)