Sunday, July 09, 2023

Book Review: "Harm's Way" by John Gilstrap

Harm’s Way (Jonathan Grave #15)Harm’s Way by John Gilstrap
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I found this latest installment in the Jonathan Grave series very disappointing. The usual formula was there, with "Security Solutions" taking on a dangerous mission that the government couldn't. There really was nothing new in that, as it's the usual routine of these exceptional killers fighting bad guys to try to save the day. The problem is, this book was chock full of political diatribes. Rather than being entertainment, it was a polemic against the left, the government, the FBI, and everything you might expect from someone who holds such views. Also, newspapers are the enemy.

From the book:

"It's the legacy [news]papers that get it wrong. It's because they don't report news anymore. They make up shit their readers want to hear."

"Tell President Asshat. It's like he's shilling for them. The cartels and the Chi-Coms."

"Open border makes kiddie prostitution easy while keeping the cartels rich. All of that adds to murder."

Regarding the FBI Director, "Wolverine," "It'd be tough being the only honest person in a place as sprawling as the Hoover Building."

There's plenty more like that, making clear that the author thinks everyone is Washington, DC, is corrupt, from the President to FBI agents, etc., as well as demonizing anyone who isn't as politically hard-core as he is. We have problems in this country, but this isn't going to help. More to the point, this is supposed to be a work of entertainment.

It's his right to say what he wants, but I hate when an author fills a story with this kind of disparagement. He may have many fans who will agree and even enjoy that, but I don't think it belongs in a work of entertainment.

Thanks to NetGalley for the advance copy of this book.

View all my reviews

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